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Re: camber compensation (was: TR3B / TR4 valve covers - whatsoriginal?)

To: Dave Quirt <>
Subject: Re: camber compensation (was: TR3B / TR4 valve covers - whatsoriginal?)
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:30:02 -0700
References: <> <>
Dave that is certainly one way to attack the problem, but the "factory
fix" introduces a great deal of body roll that is partially corrected by
the larger front sway bar.  But the better way to do it is the camber
compensator.  This corrects the wheel tuck problem without compromising
the (otherwise) outstanding handling characteristics that were present
in the early Spits.

Joe Curry 

Dave Quirt wrote:
> For me the solution was to retrofit a complete '78 rear end and front
> anti-sway bar from my parts 1500 into my '70 Mk3. Easy to do and works
> well. [It also made some use of the boat-anchor parts car!!] The current
> owner of the car says that he likes it because it combines the original
> (early) good looks with the better (later) handling.
> Dave Q.
> long-term TR3A owner
> ex-Spitfire owner
> > From Tedd Ross Pitts:
> > Now that your spit is camber compensated, how does it drive?  I'm debating 
>updating the rear suspension v. the camber compensated and I'd like any input 
>anyone has ...<

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