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Paint stripping - another question and THANKS

Subject: Paint stripping - another question and THANKS
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 20:47:51 -0500
Thanks to everyone who replied to my question about paint stripping. I think
I thanked you all individually, but if I missed anyone, my apologies.

Most folks seem to recommend chem strippers, but it doesn't sound like
they're going to work too well in 0-20 above temps! I thought this was a
WINTER project!!! Can't do it indoors - even if the garage was heated - cuz
I'll die from the fumes. Can't do it outdoors cuz the stripper won't work in
cold weather!

Just tried an experiment though...cranked up my propane torch and used a
scraper on a junk bonnet from a parts car, then got rid of the little bit of
stubborn primer (wouldn't scrape off) with a very small random orbit sander.
Actually not too bad - either in time spent or labor! Wonder if I'll warp
the panels with the heat from a propane torch, keeping in mind that the
panel started out at 20 degrees (It's COLD here!). It's quiet, the torch and
the scraping kept me warm, and I don't have any gouges or scratches in the
bare metal. Am I nuts, or does this idea have possibilities? Or both?! (Am I
a great straight man, or what?!)

Thanks again everyone!

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A  TS53990L...O

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