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Re: Grant steering wheel

Subject: Re: Grant steering wheel
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:23:13 EST
In a message dated 12/01/2000 11:31:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Does any one have experience with using a Granf steering wheel
>  conversion ( or any other wheel for that matter)
>  1) does the required adapter cause the wheel to close to the driver
>  2) Is a 13" wheel better
>  Thanks in advance
>  Mitch
>  74.5 TR6
>  Oceanside NY

Hmmm, did this many years ago in the infamous "Hardly Boys RaceSpit 4"! The 
car, as we bought it, had one of those little 10" cheapo accessory steering 
wheels welded to the column! My buddy and I didn't like the looks or the 
execution. We got another inner column and went and bought a Grant wheel. I 
don't recall it really ending up significantly closer to the seat than a 
stock wheel would've been. The "Cal Custom" wheel that came off was so 
dished, though, that the Grant wheel ended up giving us several more inches 
of room!

Besides, any difference between the Grant and the stock wheel probably isn't 
any more than can be adjusted for via the telescoping (Impacto-scopic! -- 
gotta love that name as used to describe it in early Herald advertising!)) 
column in the 6.



Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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