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Re: TR3-4 ss water pipe & parts suppliers ramble

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR3-4 ss water pipe & parts suppliers ramble
From: "Ptegler" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:42:34 -0500
Organization: Gould Fiber Optics eAMGhCe19131
References: <>
Bravo..well stated... how quickly people forget.

Paul Tegler 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: TR3-4 ss water pipe & parts suppliers ramble

In a message dated 11/22/2000 6:26:05 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

<< Should I just be quiet and get used to this? I thought I was restoring a 
 car, not the new parts.
 Sorry for the rant - you're the folks who understand.....
 Thanks for your ears,

I would be sure to let Moss know.  Believe it or not, they actually are 
concerned about what they sell and welcome feedback from customers. They do 
want to get it right and the first time not the second time.  Ther is a 
tendancy to portray the suppliers as sitting around deliberately producing 
poor quality parts and laughing abut how they are deliberately screwing us. 
Given the number of parts they stock they seem to do a pretty good job. Yes 
some of the parts are of marginal and perhaps poor quality, but remember the 
suppliers try to find manufacturers who can economically produce parts of 
acceptable quality. There is always a price/quality playoff.  If that pipe 
was a hand fitted Ferrari part you might pay 5 or 10 times as much.
A little historical perspective is sometimes useful. Some of you out there 
might remember when parts were not readily available, anywhere except the 
wrecking yards. Those were the lean years. There was a time when the sleeve 
assembly from the early starters were non existant.  Pretty hard to use your 
car when you have to crank it, but some of us did.  Finding good rubber stuff 
was next to impossible.  Complain about the quality of the chrome stuff 
available today, but compare that to no spares at all.
I am still absolutely astounded when I go through the catalogs ( mostly Moss 
but that's because TRF has none for the early TR, besides Charles took me off 
his mailing list :) and see all the parts we can have delivered to our front 
door, overnight if needed.  Compared to not too long ago, we are a little 
spoiled today.  Even in the middle 60's living in NYC, I had to wait weeks 
for parts for the old TR2 I was driving. As we get a little further into the 
marketing cycle for early TR parts, my guess is they will become scarce 
again, then back on the market at a much higher price because they will be 
produced under much lower demand by smaller speciality producers.  Then if 
this list is still around the topic will be the price and availability of the 

The other thing that I notice is, that many who are relatively new to the 
marque seem to be trying to create a Ferrari or Maserati out of a TR.  They 
never were fancy cars, the build quality was solid, but they were not hand 
built. They have always been wonderful cars to drive, better than most of the 
competition.  Tweaking parts to make them fit has been part of owning the 
cars. Why else keep a BFH and a selection of pry bars? 

Now before I have to put on the Nomex, I am NOT saying accept shoddy parts. I 
AM suggesting that it might be unreasonable to expect the opposite extreme, 
hand made and polished parts shipped individually in a box packed in cotton 
wadding.  I have not seen the part you are unhappy with.  It might be very 
poorly made.  If you don't like it, contact Moss, send it back, tell them 
what is wrong with the part, give them the opportunity to replace the part, 
give them the chance to make it correctly.

Flame the Supplier has been a thread before. I think it comes about because 
in the world of today we feel we have so very little control over our lives.  
That makes it easier and easier to point out what someone else is doing 
wrong. If nothing else we can do that, complain that is.  Gives us a false 
sense of being able to control our lives.  And of course when there is a 
group with many willing to squirt a little fuel on the fire you can get quite 
a hate fest going. It's not a real satisfying process though.  You just end 
up feeling both helpless and outraged.

I don't have a spare pipe, but if I did it would surely be a rusty  30+ year 
old one in questionable  condition, a little bent, ends nibbled back by rust, 
chipped paint, maybe cracked bracket, certainly needing a new compression 
fitting, and maybe a pin hole or two. I'd probably trade you 3 or 4 old ones 
for the new one you got, stainless would be nice.  Could use it on the TR2 
project or the Ambro special.

All the Best

Bob Paul
Corrales NM

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