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TR7 BFH#30

Subject: TR7 BFH#30
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 09:08:03 EST
Hopefully, if I receive the backing plate today and get it on without messing 
something else up, I'll put the flywheel back on as well.  

I ordered a flywheel spacer plate that seemed to be missing, and I assume it 
goes between the flywheel and the crankshaft, or not?

And I assume I should use some locktite on the flywheel bolt threads?

Finally, with the engine hanging in the air from the hoist, how am I going to 
get enough leverage on the flywheel to torque the bolts instead of simply 
turning the crank?  Wedge a screwdriver somewhere to hold the flywheel still?

Inquiring minds thank you for your assistance.

And as far a driving a stake through the Wedge's engine for exorcism 
purposes, hopefully I don't have to use an aluminum stake, else I might strip 
those bolt holes as well....

1980 Inca Yellow TR7 Convertible    
Chapel Hill, NC

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