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Ouch, well nearly...

To: "triumphs (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Ouch, well nearly...
From: "Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA)" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 09:44:13 +1030
Hello All,
Just thought I'd relate a remotely LBC related story to you all to
why these Triumphs are such good cars...
Yesterday while going to the bank I was rear-ended by some old codger (hope
no-one takes offense at this) driving a Commodore (equivalent to some sort
Opel for you Europeans out there) in a 40km/h zone. Quite how he managed
it I'll never know, but suffice it to say I was stationary for some time
before he
ran into the back of me and when we had our post-accident chat he said 
something to the effect of: "cars stop so suddenly these days"... He must 
have been off with the fairies...
Anyway, to make a short story short again, the end result was the TR6 didn't

end up with a scratch on it, but his front end was a mashed in. Oh, and
I got a bit of a stiff neck from the impact. So, these cars we're all
driving really
are quite sturdy little beasties, which contrasts quite nicely with the crap
they throw together nowadays out of bits of aluminium foil and plastic (no
not old - I'm only 30, but I don't like the fact that you can dent new car's
when you close them). 
Just another good reason to try to preserve them for future use...

Frank Biedermann
1969 TR6 PI

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