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Re: TR7 BFH#29

To: Randall Young <>
Subject: Re: TR7 BFH#29
From: "Martin A. Secrest" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 15:22:14 -0500
References: <> <>
Bruce's other problem is that he didn't get a Shipwright's shot along with his
rabies injections, so he surely still has that disease. =;-o


Randall Young wrote:

> Bruce :
> The problem is, you didn't bleed on the car !
> Pay more attention next time, and you'll slowly learn the blood
> sacrifices and incantations necessary to appease the Triumph gods (who
> must not be named) and Lucas, Prince of Darkness !  Unfortunately, they
> cannot be taught (or even described), you must find the dark way on your
> own.
> Randall
> 59 TR3A - with plenty of blood spilled over it <g>
> wrote:
> >
> > Well, I beginning to think that maybe my particularly TR7, and anyone who
> > holds the pink slip, is cursed.

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