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Re: Brake lines

To: "david orcutt" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Brake lines
From: "Adrian Dix-Dyer" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:26:40 -0000
References: <>
Snap On do a brake flaring kit so you can make your own.

Their kit includes other sizes so the clutch pipe can also be replaced.
You will also need a roll of brake piping and new unions.
Here in UK (and I suppose it is the same in the US) there are three types of
piping, steel, cupro-nickel and copper. Cupro-nickel is my favoured type at
about 8 Pounds (12 Dollars) for a 25 foot roll length. I would forget the
steel type flaring the steel is harder than the others.
Use the original pipes for a pattern and flare away taking care to watch for
the two types of flare single and double.


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