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Re: Is it worth it?

To: Mark J Bradakis <>
Subject: Re: Is it worth it?
From: "Martin A. Secrest" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 19:37:27 -0500
References: <>
Well, Mark, your note comes to me at an opportune time, as I just finished
grunting and huffing and pushing my GT6 back into its garage.  My wife and I 
45 miles away from home when one U-joint self-destructed on a major interstate
(I-270, near Frederick, Maryland)... we were going about 60 when the car 
felt very strange -- sort of like the wheel wanted to depart the vehicle -- and 
limped to the shoulder.  And while the wheel stayed on, one inboard half-shaft's
splines did exit the u-joint, giving the wheel this really cool looking negative
camber, but no power at all from the drivetrain.  Dead in the water.  So a 
hours and one flatbed ride later, we got it home ... ample time for me to 
on the job ahead of me, and decide that this is a good time not only to pull 
driveshafts, but do that rear brake work I've been putting off as well.  And 
I'm at it ... I'll ...

Long Live Lord Stanley.

Martin Secrest
73 GT6
72 TR6
Arlington, VA

Mark J Bradakis wrote:

> That smile gave him away, plastered across his face like a freshly painted
> billboard. [snip]   But for now, he has the Rust Rocket, and that smile on his
> face.

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