Hi all:
Just replaced the rubber bushings on the steering coupling on my GT6-3,
a job I'd been putting off for a while (with good reason).
Time and oil had reduced these bushings to mere shells of their former
selves, and I had an inch of play in my steering wheel and lots of
highway speed shakes.
Now the wheel is good and tight (oh -- so that's what it's supposed to
feel like ...), and highway speed vibration in the wheel is way down
(but not quite gone).
For anyone contemplating this job on a GT or Spit, set aside 4-8 hours,
depending on how hard it is to release the lower steering column from
the coupling. The effective working space on this part is VERY tight,
given that your hands are stuck inside the LH shock tower most of the
time. E-mail me directly if you want a longer description of the other
fun encounters I just went throught with this one. Bottom line, was it
worth it? Yeah.
Martin Secrest
73 GT6
72 TR6