In a message dated 10/31/0 6:49:38 AM, hartw@PLASTEKGROUP.COM wrote:
<<True, he'd get into a lot of trouble if he brought another woman home. But
acquiring cars have actually brought us closer together.>>
I gotta agree with you there, when I was married my wife wouldn't think of
working on a car, that is until I bought a 71 Dodge Challenger which she
immediately fell in love with. I had to assist her with a few things and
give her some instructions but she reupholstered the interior in a color she
liked, redid all four brakes (four wheel drums at that), removed/reinstalled
the carb (but I rebuilt is while she watched, didn't feel like trying that),
she reconnected everything with no problems. The only downside was trying to
get time behind the wheel, if I was lucky I got an hour or two a week but it
was nice just being the passenger.