Message text written by "Michael D. Porter"
>TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:
> OK, I can understand cars as a fashon statement. I'd love to be well
> dressed in a XK120C as in 'C' type.
> So what kind of statement is the bunch of decaying cars in the yard?
Male hunting instinct.... Think of them as wooly mammoths dragged back
to the lair as trophies and the subjects of future stories of (T)riumph.
The more I think about this the more I think it's the nuturing instinct.
The same instinct that leads folks into nursing (or used to until it became
so lucrative). We see these hulks and we see wayward, down on their luck,
potentially redemable cars that with naught but a little guidance and
encouragement, will blossom once again.
Umm... never mind.