I would not disagree. Tho my car was not a Skepe car, the overall build
quality was only somewhat better than Speke cars I looked over.
As many before me have said, if the TR8 had come sharply on the heels of (or
before) the TR7, what a difference. I would have bought into the styling for
the sake of that engine!
I guess one of my real issues with the wedge was the return to the tiny
roller-skate wheels after years of gutsy-looking TR's with the hallmark large
wheels for the age. Looked great. Perhaps if the car was a bit more like the
AC3000 in terms of style, it would have nee a bit more atttractive
(admittedly, a subjective thing as you mention.
Always just an opinion!
Rod P
In a message dated 10/26/2000 6:15:43 AM, 105671.471@compuserve.com writes:
<< If you had reliability problems with your TR7 it is probably due to the
fact that it was an early model built in the Spoeke factory that is
infamous for the labour problems and employee moral. If you were
disatisfied with the horsepower then you should drive a TR8! All cars sold
in the US in the late 70's fell short of expectations in this department
and those sold elsewhere were more rewarding to drive. The TR8 compensated
for this with cubic inches. Even today, compared to the modern cars
enjoying the technical and performance advances of the last 20 years the
TR8 compares favorably in not just acceleration but in handling and ride
comfort to boot!
But if image is paramont, drive a TR3! Nothing gets looks and comments
like a TR3! >>