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'60 3a mandrel - not

Subject: '60 3a mandrel - not
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 21:51:15 -0400
My crankshaft was sent out and turned, but too late I got the good advice 
to turn down the rear scroll and use a normal seal. The crank was in the mail.
Now I am about to reassemble, and the manual calls for a certain mandrel to 
align the aluminum rear outer scroll halves with the rear bearing. I don't 
happen to have a mandrel for this purpose in my toolbox. There's lots of 
other useless junk in there, but no mandrel for a 60 TR3a.
Is there a way to do this besides getting a mandrel made up? I know that 
the ultimate solution is the conversion but I'm willing to gamble on this 
as I don't want to send out the crank again.
TS 81417L

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