In a message dated 10/25/2000 1:30:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Naaah!!! Only "Sidescreen" TRs are REAL Triumphs (giggles insanely
> to himself knowing full well this could start a WAR) might make the argument that, not counting the pre-World War II
products of Triumph, the only "true" Triumph might be the Stag, with
*relatively* little in the way of major components held over from any of the
Standard-era products. Those "sidescreen" cars are nothing more than hot-rod
Vanguards with a Mayflower suspension. All the Herald derivatives, along with
the FWD 1300/1500 series, can trace their mechanical heritage to the Standard
8, circa 1953. And it's difficult to count the Leyland-inspired "Wedge" cars,
--Andy "If it's WAR you want...." :-)