Last winter I went through the radiator recore for my TR3.
Originally I was having the radiator flow tested and maybe cleaned.
When I went back to the radiator shop I was informed that my radiator
had gone to the landfill by accident.
After contacting the list and getting several kind offers for a replacement
radiator. I obtained a suitable candidate for a recore. The radiator shop
recored the second radiator and did a very nice job.
One of my requirements was to keep the crank hole. The replacement
core had the hole preinstalled.
The core was from:
Maine Auto Radiator, 14 Forrestal Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 1-800-
The core must have been in stock, as the radiator was done in three
With the new radiator and a shrouded thermostat my TR3 never
overheated this summer.
Good luck with your radiator,
Roger Colson
57 TR3 TS21383L