Message text written by Jim Hill
>Jonmac wrote:
>We live today in a far too specific world.
>We demand total accuracy. Nothing less
>than perfection will suffice.
>When it comes to owning and driving any
>LBC worth its salt that's 30 plus years
>old, a vague approximation of what is going
>on at any given time is as much as we should
>reasonably aspire to or expect.
Quite true. For myself, a "vague approximation of what is going on" is
all I can muster under any I neither want nor ask for
more from the car.
That's what I told the officer. I had a vague approximation of how fast I
was going. He was not amused. So I made a vague approximation to the
policemen's retirement fund and now have a vague approximation of zero
points on my license.
Dave (with approximately three TR's) (and approximately 18 cylinders
between them)
P.S. ;-)