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RE: Fw: Republican Baby (no LBC content)

Subject: RE: Fw: Republican Baby (no LBC content)
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 16:44:51 -0500

In response to the suggestion that the "Republican Baby" post was
"inappropriate on this type of list, Martin A. Secrest wrote:

> Sweet Jesus, you can't be serious.  I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, 
> and I thought it was funny.

"Funny" is not the test. I've got several hundred old email "jokes" (left
wing, right wing, blondes, Norwegians, yada, yada, you name it) sent me over
the years by people who thought they were "funny". Trust me on this, you
DON'T want me to start sending these to the Triumph list.

Perhaps, however, I could send them all off in one big batch to Mr.
"Republican Baby" . . . ???

It's a Triumph list. Let's talk about cars.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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