Thanks for the thoughts. Let me clarify the $200 estimate. This is
not for all the fasteners. I have already purchased all of the body
mounting kits from TRF/MOSS, so this does not include a significant
amount of fasteners. It also does not include specialty items such as
lift the dot, etc. It basically lists almost every other bolt/screw/
nut/washer/ for the rest of the car.
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6
'59 TR3
Randall Young wrote:
> Scott :
> For a many of the fasteners, you are pretty well stuck with TRF/Moss. Most
> specialty fastener vendors will only deal in full boxes, and I don't know of
> any one that carries all the different fasteners found on a TR3, particularly
> if you want it to appear original.
> However, if appearance is not a concern (pointed bolts and 'correct' diameter
> washers, etc.), many of the fasteners can be substituted with common hardware.
> McMaster-Carr will sell in small quantities, I believe even one bolt, and
> will have almost anything you need in NC or NF thread, including Nyloc nuts.
> My experience has been that some of these can be found at Home Depot, etc.,
> but usually only in Grade 3.
> However, there are exceptions, like the mushroom head bolts that hold the rear
> fenders on. If you use hex head here, the trunk lid will hit, and I've never
> seen the mushroom heads anywhere but at Moss/TRF.
> For the BA stuff, you'll have to go somewhere else, perhaps British Tools and
> Fasteners, or Maryland Metrics.
> And then there's the really special stuff, like 'Lift the dot' studs...
> Frankly, a complete kit of all the 'correct' hardware for $200 sounds like a
> bargain to me, compared to all the grief, running around, phone calls, etc. to
> get something that's "not quite right".
> Randall
> On Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:49 PM, suhring [SMTP:suhring@lancnews.infi.net]
> wrote:
> >
> > I know this subject has come up before but thought I'd ask again.
> >
> > I took the Fastener file provided to the list and matched up the
> > parts number from the parts manual for my '59 TR3A (slow) restoration
> > project. I then created a spreadsheet listing by part number the
> > majority of bolts, screws, nuts, washers etc. that are needed for a
> > TR3. Included in this spread sheet is the item description, its use,
> > its dimensions and quantity needed. I priced this out with TRF and
> > the grand total is close to $200 (this includes some items not listed
> > in the parts manual). I have sent the spread sheet to one fastener
> > supply company but they wouldn't fill the order due to the quantity
> > and the thread sizes.
> >
> > Anyone know of a company that would be willing to fill such an order
> > or am I stuck with TFR/MOSS?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Scott Suhring
> > Elizabethtown, PA
> > '70 TR6
> > '59 TR3