Thanks for reminding me, Fred. I recently got a survey in the mail from
Rimmer Bros in the UK. I don't have it here with me at the moment, but will
try to locate it at home and bring it in for tomorrow. The essence of the
survey was to determine as close as possible the number of surviving
Triumphs of all models on the roads in North America. Doesn't this sound a
little ambitious? It did to me. Did any other List folk (likely those
associated with doing newsletters or otherwise known to the folks at
Rimmers) get the same survey, by any chance? All the recent 'barn finds'
makes one contemplate how many of the actual production still exist in a
decent restorable form, let alone are on the roads. It would be interesting
(perhaps through the VTR, Andy?) to 'poll' as many clubs as possible in
North America to do a census of the marque. Even still, I suspect this would
seriously understate the number of actual survivors. I know for a fact there
are several Triumphs of all sorts in the Ottawa Valley area that are not
(currently, or ever) affiliated with our club. I remember a pin a vendor had
at the Glen a few years back, which made me chuckle. It was a typical
25-cent-sized pin with the picture of a wolf with its head back, howling.
The outside edge of the pin said "No Club - Lone Wolf".
Cheers, JD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Thomas []
> Sent: September 28, 2000 3:23 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: family outing
> O/K I have a fair question, does anybody ever go out for a nice casual
> drive
> with the wife/friend, or do we "all" go down these back country roads
> looking for another hidden treasure in a barn or under a tarp, not that we
> need another one, it's just that if its there and I have the space, why
> not.
> Seems the list has come up with a few more than usual "whats it worth"
> lately. Just thinking out loud again "FT"