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Re: S.U. Carbs - Butterflies

Subject: Re: S.U. Carbs - Butterflies
From: jmwagner <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:30:15 -0700
References: <>
I think your kid is the exception to the rule... these days... when a teenager 
"into cars", it  means they know all the statistics, for all the latest hot
cars... and they know all about the latest bolt-on performance equipment that
they can buy.   It doesn't mean that they would actually dismantle and rebuilt
their own carbs or suspension, etc...   They either pay a shop to do it... or, 
it's a bolt-on performance item, they might do it themselves... but only if one
Metrinch set, a crescent wrench, and one screwdriver bit set will do the job.


P.S.   And teenagers today no longer mistake a Triumph for an MGB, like they 
to... because they don't know what an MGB is. wrote:

> Justin,
> I tried this with a Chevy P/U some years ago but I disconnected the secondary
> barrels from the linkage. In effect I made a 2 Bbl carb out of a 4 barrel.
> Took the kid about two weeks to figure it out! They seem to be smarter than
> we were.
> Doug Ross
> Rosebud Racecar

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