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Re: Pro Blend - 40 Below

To: Barry Schwartz <>
Subject: Re: Pro Blend - 40 Below
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:06:33 -040001:10:26 PM
I live in Orlando, Florida and was having constant overheating problems
with my GT6+ as well.  As I have done in previous vehicles such as my old
79 jeep cj5, I simply just removed the thermostat alltogether.  Added some
water wetter(2 bottles for the hell of it) and my temperature guage always
indicates well below the middle mark!  Even on hot days like today.
98degrees.  I was always told that thermostats were only really neccessary
in places where it goes well below zero alot to properly allow the engine
to warm.  It may take my car a little while longer to warm up sometimes but
the extra 4 or 5 minutes of rough running is better than always pulling
over, etc. due to overheating and sticky thermostats and the possiblity of
a blown head gasket.
my little more than 2 cents!

Barry Schwartz <> on 09/26/2000 02:01:46

Please respond to Barry Schwartz <>

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Subject:  Pro Blend - 40 Below

Listers -
Has anybody heard of use this product (pro blend, 40 Below).  I was at a
gathering of British car nuts at a friends house for his wedding
anniversary a couple of weekends back, and the subject of overheating (go
figure) came up.  An individual mentioned that his buddy with a chronically
overheating Jag E type that resides in the San Bernardino area (again, go
figure) used this stuff in the cooling system and noticed a big
improvement.  It's *supposed* to lower the temps by up to 40 degrees, but
again I've herd that before (water wetter, didn't do a thing for me, and
that was without any antifreeze as they say for best results).  The
instructions (basically for street driven cars) are

1.FOR BEST RESULTS: Based on 2 gallon system. Drain radiator and engine
block completely
  2.Shake can vigorously
  3.Fill system with 1 cans of 40 Below, 1 quart of anti-freeze and water.
Immediately go for a 30 minutes ride. Premixing 40 Below, anti-freeze and
water prior to adding to radiator is recommended.

DO NOT add stop leak, radiator / block sealer or other additives.
DO NOT use 100% water. DO NOT use 50/50 water and anti-freeze during warm
A thermostat rated between 160 deg - 180 deg and a radiator cap between 12
- 17 lbs. is recommended.

Now at the time I couldn't find the stuff, but I now see that Jegs High
Performance now carries it but at about $23 a can, it's not exactly cheap.
If it works it would be worth every penny, but I don't want to spend $23
for just another can of miracle cure that doesn't do what it claims to.  I
was of course thinking of using it in the GT6 for when it creeps up towards
the hot side on hot summer days idling in traffic.  If anyone has had any
experience good or bad with this product I'd love to hear about it -

Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

72 PI, V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (long term project)

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