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RE: TR6 - How many miles on this car?

To: "Richard R Olson" <>, <>
Subject: RE: TR6 - How many miles on this car?
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 16:07:28 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Possible the PO fixed a broken speedo?
>      So, here it is, 4 years later, and, while the dash is out, I see 5 
>      slightly grungy gauges (viewed from the back), and one very shiny, 
>      new looking gauge.  Guess which one??  Yup, the speedo.  So now I'm 
>      back to guessing the 'true' mileage, and it could be ANYTHING! 
>      Nagging question: why would DPO replace the speedo?

Not likely, but you never know....


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