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RE: Road and Track

Subject: RE: Road and Track
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 11:22:09 -0700
Cc: Triumph List <>
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc

John Macartney  wrote:
> Category #3 - "Anoraks" (the garments worn by train spotters) are really only
> interested in the car of their choice, and

FWIW, Merriam Webster defines Anorak as :

 Main Entry: an.o.rak
 Pronunciation: 'a-n&-"rak
 Function: noun
 Etymology: Danish, from Inuit (Greenland) annoraaq
 Date: 1922
 : a usually pullover hooded jacket long enough to cover the hips

Sounds like a handy thing to have in an LBC, especially since I fall somewhere 
between Jonmac's Category #2 and #3 <g>


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