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Re: Intermittent noise

To: "Jack W. Drews" <>, Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Intermittent noise
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:49:55 -0600
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <> <> <>
Jack wrote:

> I had two problems that caused the noise(s). First off, the car had wire 
>wheels. The
> wheels and splines were worn and when I replaced them with Panasports, the 
> occurring on front-to-rear direction changes went away. Diagnosing the worn 
> was really difficult, but this replacement did solve the one set of click/pop
> noises.

Thanks for the timely note. Just spotted a bit of play in the right rear wheel, 
and have
heard the Direction Change Clonk since I bought it. I figured it's bearings, 
but 'll
check wheel/spline tonite too -- and then tell my wife the preferred fix is a 
new set of

Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4

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