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TRiumph TR250 back in the UK

Subject: TRiumph TR250 back in the UK
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 08:39:23 EDT
Dear All,

I recently purchased the re-imported TR250 here in the UK.  UK records from 
the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (BMIHT), show the car delivered to 
Leyland Motor Corperation of North America, San Francisco on the 11th October 
1967, she was built on the 13th September 1967. 

The Commission number of the car is CD 430L, Engine No. CC 522E and Body No. 
591 CC. It was originally Royal Blue with a midnight blue interior. The 
colour is now Sapphire blue with a light French powder blue interior, this 
work I believe happened whilst the car was in th USA? When the car came back 
on the 16th March 1998, it had Wolfrace wheels fitted at that time.

I am hoping it may have been registered with your club at sometime or even 
better one of you owned her? Can anyone help me?

Phil  (UK)

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