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Thanks for TR4(A) Clutch Info

Subject: Thanks for TR4(A) Clutch Info
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:36:24 EDT
THANKS to all you guys for the insights on the TR4 and TR4A clutch choices.
I don't know exactly how I could have been able to bolt on a TR4A pressure 
plate back in 1979 and have it work (till the TR4 style throwout bearing 
fouled it up) - perhaps I have a special predrilled/dowelled flywheel? At 
that time I went back to stock set up.
At this point the economic shout from the wallet says I will be using my low 
mileage coil spring type original style TR4 clutch pressure plate with a new 
disc rather than going to TR4-A or 250 or 6 diaphram arrangement. The 
original style is not as quick acting but pretty heavy duty design - and it's 
always worked well in the past.
Thanks again for your experienced views.

Carl Sereda
'63 TR4 since '74

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