At 03:19 PM 9/18/00 -0400, Bob Lang wrote:
>This event is a "must do".
>That is all. besides, it's only about 1200 miles from Boston...
In case anyone is unaware, Bob came all the way down from Boston last year,
along with John Lye (from Virginia) when our group hosted the show at the
same place. They co-drove John's killer TR4 in the autocross and took away
FTD honors, as I recall. We get to autocross on a 3,000 ft. stretch of
airport, the car show's on a beautiful grassy field (no mud or cowpies)
directly adjacent to the hotel, there are some great driving tours through
the area and the hotel is nice and reasonably priced.
It really is a good event and well worth the drive, even a long one. I
don't know the website but I'm sure there's a link at < >.
Don Marshall