Went to the Colorado Conclave on Sunday, this is the first year they broke 500
cars and bikes. There were 92 1/2 Triumphs (incl. a TR3 chassis/engine) there --
and only 90 MGs I believe. Woohoo!
Sorry, the camera is broken so I don't have any photos for you. Nice to meet a
couple folks who I had seen driving around town this summer, and several newer
TR owners like me. One couple has had their car 8 months, and their wedding
anniversary is today; that's a good match, I think, if their first big purchase
together was a really nice TR4A. There was also a Vitesse, a model I'd not seen
live. Few cars for sale, a TR4 and a TR4A that I recall, I'm sure you could get
info from the RMTC if you are looking.
There were apparently some other cars there besides Triumphs....
A 1905 Rolls down at one end (I heard they were serving champaign down there)
and a bunch of Lotuses (Loti?). One Aston Martin. Minis and handful of Morris'
including a nice driver owned by list member Scott Augustine (restoring a TR3
currently). A big crowd of Jags of course, and some great little and big
The surprise for me was how many Sunbeams there were, I think around 2 dozen. I
never see them on the road out here. They sure were clean though. Anyway, a
great show, hope many of you who are local to Denver were able to attend. Next
year will likely be in Littleton at the Arapahoe Community College, BTW -- and
of course RMTC will be hosting VTR 2001 in Breck. Rimmer has kicked in some
sponsorship $$ to get them going, I hear, kudos to them.
I didn't see any Rileys though. Anyone know of a show in the states that draws
some of this older British marquee?
Steven Newell
Crave Technology, Inc.