Hi All.
I attended the Stowe Vt event and felt that the event while, quite well
organized, was not an event I would attend again unless they change the
location. There were lots of LBC's. The MG's owners seemed to be the
most hardy of souls as they did not let the overcast, stormy wet
weather, muddy entrance road, or cow dung deter them from bringing
their cars to the field. The only group that enjoyed all of this were
the Land Rover's.
The "field" is the real problem. Even if it was dry, it was loaded with
cow flaps. They were every where. They smelled & were really great to
unintentionly step in and then get into your car. The mud on the
entrance road got worst as the weekend went on.
It was really nice to see some great LBC's up too their rims in mud.
Many hearty souls spent many hours cleaning and preparing their cars
only to be required to drive through a mud hole.What a waste of time!
I know the organizers did their best and made their apologies beforehand
for the shape of the field and the single road entrance but it would be
a nicer event if a better field could be found.
Just my opinion,
Chuck Centore
'61 TR3A