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Re: Maryland Vehicle Inspection

Subject: Re: Maryland Vehicle Inspection
From: "Theodore R. Stevens" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:58:36 -0400
Cc: Matt Ritter <>
Their inspection can be tough indeed.  I'm *still* angry that they failed
my Volvo for having a brake rotor thickness of 0.497" when "the book" said
it needed to be 0.500" (solid rotor). Also, aim your headlights first, and
make sure you have DOT approved headlights instead of the much better H4
At least it's just a one-time inspection.

At 07:01:32 -0400 9/15/00 -0400, Matt Ritter wrote:
>Maryland is pretty tough.  My Z failed for having the wrong size
>wheel, floor pan rust, and some other stuff I can't quite remember. 
>the car needs to be in very good shape.
>John Baker wrote:
>> I think that I finally have my 1978 Spitfire ready for inspection after
>> what seems three short years.  My question for the list is where can I
>> find out what is going to be inspected on my car.  I know that
>> everything is suppose to work, but can anyone send me a list or better
>> yet a Vehicle Inspection form from Maryland so I can have a clue of what
>> I am suppose to check before I go.
>> Thanks
>> John
>Ted Stevens
Ted Stevens

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