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RE: Spitfire for you

Subject: RE: Spitfire for you
From: John Summers <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 19:55:03 -0400
Concerning whether a Spitfire is the right car for you, I'll add my two
cents worth since I have had both a Spitfire and a TR 6.
        I look back FONDLY on my Spitfire.  It always got comments in parking
lots - as does my TR 6.  I thought it handled in a fun sort of way.  You
wouldn't want to get too far out on a limb with it like my son did
because it will (and did) roll over.  Quick steering would make it what
I would call twichy.  But would it TURN!  Power was pathetic even with a
Weber downdraft carb.  I would do SOMETHING drastic with the engine if I
got another one.
        I to am a large person (260lbs).  Once I got into the car I was quite
happy and comfortable.  But I could easily tear a hole in my shoulder
just getting into the car and getting out required contortions and a
strong left arm.

        I have a TR6 which I wanted for 30 years.  It's bigger, somewhat more
powerful, sounds wonderful has more room, is beautiful but I would love
to sell it, get another Spitfire and with the left over money do engine
work on the Spit AND get a new Apple G4 computer.  Life would be good
My brother - in law has one of the first Miatas and still loves it.  It
is a good day to day car for him in Tampa's traffic.  He used to have an
MGB and compared to his Miata it was a joke.  (Stopped dead on the Dan
Ryan expressway at rush hour on a trip from Florida to Wisconsin)
For what it's worth.
John Summers
74 TR 6

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