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Re: DHL/fees

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: DHL/fees
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:51:21 -0600
Cc: a Wallace <>
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <>
Jim Wallace wrote:

> Just picked up a package arriving in from TRF, and had to pay:
> the PST (Provincial Sales Tax),
> the GST (Goods and Services Tax), and
> a $5.00 fee for  having Canada Post collect the GST.
> Did I have to pay the $5 fee? Did I want my box of stuff?

This prompts me to provide a quick anecdote for those ordering from vendors that
have chronic backorders -- especially when you may be on the hook for a flat fee
such as GST collection.

I ordered several bits from [unnamed vendor] a week or so ago, including a small
SU mixture wrench and a couple bigger things that were both on backorder. Though
I'd suggested the vendor *not* ship the wrench till the other pieces were in --
the fellow thought they were a week out -- to my surprise I rcvd a small
envelope with the wrench on Monday. The kicker was that the wrench cost ~$3.50,
and the shipping / handling was $7 and change.

Moral of the story: if you'll pay a collection fee or hefty S&H, make sure you
don't get a large order one piece at a time.

Steven Newell
Denver, CO

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