Hi List!
Well, here's the summary to my question: 'What about putting a twist to
the fan blade to increase draw of air through the rad.?'
All replies followed the general consensis of: Do NOT do it!
Could through off fan balance.
Will cause a greater loss of Horse Power (HP).
Could lead to more damage if blade breaks off, because of metal fatague.
Not being efficient at higher speeds.
Suggested solutions:
Throw machinical fan away & substitute electrical fan.
Install a 'clutch' to engauge fan at low speeds [when needed], &
disengauge fan ay hight speeds [when Not needed].
Thanks to: Dave M., Larry, Michael P., Brian , & anyone eles that I may
have forgot. Malcom, if your still on the list, you may want to put this
in you 'Q&A List'? -Cosmo Kramer