I don't have a hazard switch on me to reference, but if you connect the
Green+red wire (Left -hand flasher lights) or the Green+white wire (Right
hand) to the Light green lead, the corresponding lights should flash. If
not, the problem is elsewhere.
You can also test the switch with a multimeter to see if it is working
properly. In one position, it should connect terminals 1+2. In the other
position, terminals 3,5 and 6 should be connected together.
The switch should be wired up as follows:
Both Green/white and Green/red to terminals 6+3 (orientation doesn't matter)
Light green/? to terminal 5 (the middle one)
Remaining Greens to terminals 2+1 (orientation doesn't matter)
'70 GT6+
At 06:18 PM 29/08/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I just finished installing a new wiring harness in my 69 GT6 Plus and the
>only thing that is not working is the hazards. I took apart the switch and
>noticed that there is only one rocker in the switch, but the switch is
>designed for two. Can anyone verify if the hazard switch should have two