If the car idles well, but sputters on acceleration, this sounds to me like
it's ignition related, but it could be any number of things. You can eliminate
many variables this way:
1) Check the compression.
2) Check the valve gaps.
3) Check the timing and renew ignition components as necessary. Check for
bright blue spark at the plugs, too.
4) Check the carb settings -- air flow, idle and mixture.
I know this sounds like Mechanics 101, but going through this process carefully
usually solves problems.
As Dave pointed out, you should also ascertain that you reassembled the carbs
I also think your problems were probably not related previously to the level of
your damper oil.
Good luck...
Martin Secrest
GT6, TR6 wrote:
> Hello All,
> My name is Nathan and a new list member. I recently purchased a '70 GT6
> MK2. Fun little car. Lately I ahve been having a problem with it running.
> I changed the plugs and added oil to the dashpot. Unfortunately I added
> too much oil so I took the carbs apart, drained out the oil, and added back
> some oil but much much less. So the problem is now that when I am driving
> the car, it doesn't want to accelerate well. It sputters badly like it is
> not advancing correctly or something. Any ideas on what it could be?
> Regards,
> Nathan