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RE: new miracle gasoline additive: polyisobutylene

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: new miracle gasoline additive: polyisobutylene
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 14:39:10 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
I sure hope their research is better than their press release !
"Air ... does not contain enough oxygen to react fully with gasoline ..." <g>

And BTW, the ACS didn't announce anything, this was just a paper presented at 
one of their conferences.  Research scientists are expected to "publish or 
perish", the papers presented at ACS sometimes reflect this.  Does anyone 
remember the "polywater" hoax, or the "Ice-9" scare ?  I believe an ACS 
conference was even where Linus Pauling announced to the world that massive 
doses of Vitamin C would cure everything from the common cold to fallen arches. 
 Funny thing is, Dr. Pauling is dead, but the common cold lives on ...

On Friday, August 25, 2000 12:16 PM, Steven Newell 
[] wrote:
> Great news for LBC owners. The American Chemical Society "announced" a
> gasoline
> additive that *may* be able to dramatically increase mileage and engine 
> create less pollution, and restore ragged classic cars to 100 point show 

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