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Re: Pictures of listers

To: John Summers <>, Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Pictures of listers
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:45:45 -0600
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <>
John Summers wrote:

> After reading that Dick Taylor is interviewed in the 6-Pack magazine
> and that there was a photo of him it occured to me that:  Someone ought
> to create a web site for those on the list (or not) to post a couple of
> photos of themselves and their LBCs.

Hmmm, if only... let me see, type type click type... here you go....

Um, of course Dan Beuttner gets all the credit, but you can see a nice
photo of me driving my TR4 home from the PO in Houston back in
February. Note how I don't have a care in the world, not realizing I'll soon
drop more than the purchase price on an engine rebuild. <g>

Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4, more photos at

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