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Re: help with Clutch or Gearbox diagnosis

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: help with Clutch or Gearbox diagnosis
From: Douglas Frank <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 13:45:15 -0400
References: <>
Steve Reilly wrote:
> Dear List:
> Recently I acquired a Gt6+.  I am finding it hard to shift gears with it
> though.
> Reverse - No problem
> First - No problem
> Second - Shifts, gearshift lever violently bumps up and down on
> Acceleration/deacceleration
> Third - Hard to shift into, have to really push the gearshift, then it
> pops&grinds into gear.  As soon as you're off the gas, it pops out unless
> you hold it in.
> Fourth - Usually no problem, sometimes will grind.

Sounds to me (and I am *NOT* an expert) like the 2nd & 3rd speed
gear bushings may be too short, allowing excessive endplay.

> The transmission was supposedly recently rebuilt.


Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.  Larceny, n.  A sturdy fiber
ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.      of which the human heart is
603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062    more or less composed.

BTW if this is the problem, it would be an expensive fix to have
done, but a cheap and east do-it-yourself job for the coming
winter.  Get yourself a copy of the Haynes GT6 book, and a copy
a brass or lead drift, a 1-lb hammer, and the usual assortment of

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