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Flywheel bolts

Subject: Flywheel bolts
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 08:20:44 -0500
Labrotory tests, using real life joints and fasteners, done by real
engineers with real testing equipment, have shown that sheet metal lock
tabs are the least effective method of retaining bolts under fluctuating
loading conditions. The results of these tests, in terms of worst to
best is:

locktabs -- worst
properly torqued fastener against flat surface
properly torqued fastener against flat surface with Loctite type locker
- best

Notice that using locktabs is less effective than using just the bolt,
properly torqued, because of deformation of the soft locktab, as pointed
out by others.


TR6 -- 29 and still running
TR4 -- 39 but no longer racing
uncle jack -- temporarily sidelined

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