On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Michael Singleton wrote:
> For a final word on the fastening of flywheels to crankshafts, I would
> recommend Carroll Smith's book "Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners and Plumbing
> Handbook," Page 93 and Page 116 on the use of locktabs. To summarize, He
> doesn't like locktabs, won't allow their use, and if one must use them,
> never, never re-use them. Safety wire, on the other hand is your friend,
> learn to use it, and then use it frequently and everywhere.
Folks - this is good advice. Listen, learn and live.
> Naturally, this information moves from the recommended to the critical list
> if you are racing!!!!!
What he said.
> Good luck,
> Michael Singleton
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