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RE: Posting Rules (was TR3 Colours)

Subject: RE: Posting Rules (was TR3 Colours)
From: Dennis Lambert <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:18:24 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"

I appreciate hearing the various answers to questions "straight from the
horses mouths", as opposed to having the info censored...umm...I mean
condensed.  Because of the plethora of answers to some questions, I now have
answers to questions I didn't know I had.

I'll put up with the occasional pissing matches, and the off topic posts -
good info there too, sometimes.  Let freedom of the press continue <g>.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Moag []
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 12:14 PM
To: Bill & Skip Pugh;
Subject: RE: Posting Rules (was TR3 Colours)


I don't like the idea of posting ONLY to whoever asked the question as any
sort of rule (in fact, there has been an emphasis here recently to post more
answers to the full list and not just to the original asker of the
question). Here's my reasoning: assuming the original poster doesn't already
know the answer to the question, he/she may not be in a position to
determine whether all the answers they get are correct/applicable, etc. When
those posts are viewed by others, all sorts of other ideas and solutions get
proposed. Sometimes a person may not respond to the original post because
they are not sure they have a good solution. Then when some other solutions
are proposed, they may find that they do indeed have some good ideas
relating to the follow-ups if not the original post.

Dave Moag
62 TR3B
77 Spitfire
La Canada, CA

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Bill & Skip Pugh
>Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 8:54 AM
>RE: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour
>       I am new at the list, unknown to most, but...I have been on
>the Mac-Managers list (professional Macintosh Systems
>Administrators), and they use a scheme that might be of some
>interest/use to the Group.
>       When a problem is posted to the list, all members are asked
>to reply ONLY to the one who posted.  Then, when all/most of the
>replies have been digested by the poster, he/she is asked to post a
>SUMMARY, to the list.  What this does is to reduce the bandwidth of
>cross  posts and redundant posts to the list.
>       Having said all that, I do enjoy the list, and all it's
>postings, but then I am retired and don't have that much to do,
>(except play with my TR-3).  The Mac-Managers also has a "list-mom"
>who monitors the list and gently (most of the time) reminds the
>posters to reply only to the original post.
>       They also maintain an archive on a web-site of all posts, but
>that may be way too much work for anyone who is just trying to enjoy
>their passion/hobby/motorcars.
>       I make this post to the list in the sincere and earnest
>desire to help and possibly improve our little? community.
>Bill Pugh
>aka Wily Coyote
>1957 TR-3A

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