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Re: My TR 4A

To: Michael Ferguson <>, Triumph Newsgroup <>
Subject: Re: My TR 4A
From: jmwagner <>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 20:46:21 -0700
References: <>
Oh.... and thanks to Michael Ferguson... I will soon have a nice new nifty TR
4 valve cover... to replace my TR 4A cover...

(I'm going to have it rechromed, not that it wasn't in great shape to start
with.  And I'm changing to the 4 cover,  for aesthetic reasons.  Of course I
will continue to use my silicone valve cover gasket to seal it!  : )

Michael Ferguson wrote:

> Congrats! What, no mention of that nice valve cover?!  :^)
> Michael
> ----------
> >From: jmwagner <>
> >To: Triumph Newsgroup <>
> >Subject: My TR 4A
> >Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2000, 10:26 PM
> >
> >
> > Well, my TR 4A has been out of service for nearly a year now.  I've
> > installed a rebuilt overdrive & transmission (by Jack Wheeler)  and a
> > rebuilt rear axle ( by Unitrax) with a 4.1:1 gear set (from Ken
> > Gillanders, British Frame & Engine).  I've crossed the T's and dotted
> > the I's...  cleaned the frame around the rear axle... cleaned all the
> > parts involved... replaced all the bushings... replaced the springs...
> > replaced the shocks... replaced the brake shoes, cylinders, and so on.
> >
> > While I still have some buttoning up to do... and certainly the car
> > still desperately needs body work and a paint job...   but hopefully...
> > god willing...  I will be able to drive my car to a club meeting this
> > month.... and maybe even tomorrow.
> >
> > --Justin Wagner
> >
> >

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