For those of you who haven't already discovered this (of course, I'm
probably the last!), I just bought a pump to use in topping off my gearbox,
differential, and/or TR3 steering column.
Pep Boys, and I'm sure many other places, carry a pump adapter (intended for
draining/filling the lower unit of an outboard motor) that seems to work
very well. It's called a "Marine Lower Unit Flush and Fill Tool" and is a
pump similar to the small SoftSoap dispensers you probably have in your
bathroom. The cap fits the top of a 1 Qt size motor oil or hypoid 90
container and has an attached tube that goes to the bottom of the container.
The output end has a 12-15" clear plastic flex tube that can be inserted
into the gearbox, etc. It comes with some sort of metal fitting that screws
into the outboard's lower unit, but once you remove that from the output
tube, you're left with a nice little pump.
Cost was $6.99. NFI in Pep Boys or the product manufacturer -
just looked like a good idea and seems to work well. Sure beats a funnel or
squeezing one of those Hypoid 90 containers!
Thought I'd pass it along...
Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A TS53990L...O