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TR3A gas tank padding, end result

Subject: TR3A gas tank padding, end result
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:40:10 EDT
First, thanks to all that responded to my inquiry on gas tank padding.  I 
still find it hard to believe that Jute was the original material, probably a 
classic case of planned obsoleteness. 

In my quest to keep the car as original as possible I considered for a brief 
moment to use Jute padding in order to duplicate the original designer's 
planned corrosion rate. I quickly decided on an alternate material. In my 
shed I found an old inner tube from a large truck that until it went flat, 
was used in prior years to go "tubing" down the Farmington River in 
Connecticut.  Luckily I have an aversion to discarding useless items, 
otherwise the inner tube would have been disposed of years ago.  The tube has 
a wall thickness of about .090".  I bonded three layers together to use 
between the tank and the trunk floor, and one layer between the raised floor 
section and the tank.  I also used one layer to cushion between the tank and 
holding straps.  I am very happy with the results, the tank is totally 
cushioned from other metal panels, fits nicely, and is solidly anchored.

By the way, is the aversion to disposing of useless junk a common trait among 
LBC owners?

Gary Bouffard
59 TR3A TS58399

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