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VTR results (partial)

To: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: VTR results (partial)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 02:59:51 -0400
Well, the list was well represented at the VTR again this year.  The name
Bud Rolufson was quite prominent.  Bud took third in Autocross TR6 class
with a very respectable 46.5 seconds.  Bud also took a second in the
Popular choice and a first in the funkahna!  Go Bud!

Randall Young did very well in the autocross, too, with his TR3 (I forgot
if it was a first or what.  Sorry) and Joe Curry took first in stock
Spitfire.  Our fearless leader, Andy Mace took third in stock Spit (in
Brad's car, no less).  And Mark Bradkakis, our internet host, showed very
respectible in the Killer Spit.  (Go Mark!)

And Darrel Floyd (not on the list) had a TR7 that scored 399 points out of
400!  Absolutely amazing!

Leon Guyot won the long distance award coming all the way from Wimboldon
(sp?) beating out Brad Kahler who came from Johnston Island by only 300

But the truely amazing travel is Don Elliott who DROVE his TR3 3,600 miles
from Montreal!  And then won his concours class.  It boggles the mind.

These are unofficial, partial results.  Please don't hold me to it.  I'm
not a jounalist (although I play on on the list).

Congratulations to all the winners and competitors and attendees to the VTR
this year.

I'm going to bed.

Dave Massey
On the road in Portland, OR USA

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