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On the Road to Portland (Day 5)

To: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: On the Road to Portland (Day 5)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 10:02:10 -0400
The last 30 miles went uneventfull except for the fact that we got lost. 
Brad and I conspired to get us off course twice.  But finally, after four
days of following a little white Spitfire on a blue trailer, we have
arrived!  Intact.  Time to go meet up with old friends, meet for the first
time folks from the list with whom I have been corresponding for all these
years and meet new comrades in Triumphdom.  Best of all meet some people
who know what a Triumph IS!  

And all the Triumphs!  There isn't one Triumph 2000.  Not two.  But four
(count 'em, four) of these rare (at least for the US) cars.  Haven't seen a
Mayflower yet (Brad?).  Or a Triumph 10 (Ken?).  But it is still early.

Finally got to meet the ever prolific Joe Curry and Roswell resident
Michael Porter.  And Terry Ann with her red TR3 (nice car).  Many other
listers are here and many others are expected.  

Gotta run.  The autocross starts in a few hours.

Dave Massey
On the road in Portland, OR USA

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