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SU HS6 Carbs

To: "''" <>
Subject: SU HS6 Carbs
From: "Evans, Mark" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 14:26:22 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"
What is the correct measurement for the float when using Grose jets on an SU HS6

I am investigating the cause of plugs 1 and 2 being fuel fouled after a short
run (dry black plugs). As I expected, the float chamber for the front carb was
full of reddish black grit. This is easy enough to clean out but I want to check
the float adjustment. 

The Grose jets were installed by the IPM (Intelligent Previous Mechanic - my
brother a former LBC mechanic) several years ago and I have no instructions. My
brother doesn't remember the setting.

Mark A. Evans
1966 TR4A IRS CTC63970 LO

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