Sorry, been on holiday up in the mountains and not following the list too
closely. Space always available, if you turn up the flyer, or anything else
you want posted.
Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum 69-TR6 76-TR7 80-TR8 W4UCK
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of John Macartney
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 7:34 PM
To: Triumph List
On Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:58 PM, John Macartney
[] wrote:
> Is Jim Altman willing / able / whatever / to post it on his 'colonial'
website for the
> cognoscenti :)? Probably be a photocopy of an original sales leaflet
Randall replied:
>If not, I promise to find it a home on the web, if only on the local club's
web page.
Sorry guys. I digged and delved for an elusive copy of a Radiomobile 'valved
(tubed) radio
leaflet for your delectation (and possible stark horror) but came away