Les :
The rubber bushings are not for electrical isolation, but to reduce
vibration/noise. I bought wiper bushings from TRF not too long ago, they
might also have the heater blower bushings. ISTR the heater bushings can
be replaced with rubber grommets, available at electronics supply stores
(like Radio Shack).
59 TR3A
On Thursday, July 20, 2000 1:47 PM, Lftlesl@aol.com [SMTP:Lftlesl@aol.com]
> As I prepare to put my heater back together (thanks to all who helped), I
> notice that there are decomposed rubber bushings or sleeves in the holes
> through which screws connect the motor to the heater core. There are also
> rubber sleeves/bushings in the wiper motor screw holes.
> Am I correct in assuming that these are necessary to prevent the motor
> grounding out? If so, where can I find replacements for the little